A Discarded Idea For Star Trek's Troi Probably Would Have Stirred Some Controversy


"Star Trek," originally shown during its premiere run in late 1960s, wasn't an instantaneous hit with audiences. After being cancelled in 1969 and placed into eternal syndication, Trekkies started emerging slowly in mid-1970s hotel ballrooms across America; its creator Gene Roddenberry would frequently appear there too to meet with his many admirers and explain more about his creation.

Roddenberry found that these conversations helped him reflect upon and clarify the messages embedded within "Star Trek." Fans seemed drawn to its depiction of an alternative world where diplomacy and exploration overtook conquest and acquisition; many loved the show for its inclusive nature.

As Roddenberry set about creating "Star Trek: The Next Generation" in 1986, his goal seemed to be accentuated its themes further: peacekeeping, diplomacy and consideration of humanity's emotions were to become even greater considerations than before - to such an extent that some writers of "Next Generation" became frustrated over Roddenberry's mandate that no interpersonal conflicts should arise: instead he predicted people will get along more in future episodes of Star Trek.

Counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis), perhaps best embodied Roddenberry's peacenik tendencies than any other character on Star Trek: TNG (Marina Sirtis). Deanna, born half Betazoid with psychic capabilities to read emotions of others, could use diplomacy missions but was more often engaged in talking to crewmembers about how well they were managing themselves emotionally - making her available as needed and with her seat on the bridge right next to Captain. Mental wellbeing was always of primary importance!

At first, Troi had three breasts. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly (EW) back in 2007, D.C. Fontana remembered from "NextGen," how Troi had to reject any notion she be tri-breasted vehemently in order to stay on screen.

Counselor Troi wears three breasted garments.

Not to be forgotten is Gene Roddenberry's incredible reputation as an arrogant bully; while his vision may have included peacemaking without conflict, his attitude often was anything but. He openly advocated free love and orgasmic experiences on numerous occasions - no doubt having no issues in keeping female cast members wearing miniskirts during filming on Star Trek episodes in the 1960s!

Fontana recalls some of the early brainstorm sessions for "Star Trek: The Next Generation", including ideas that ultimately made their way onto the show. One idea included making the U.S.S. Enterprise much larger; in addition, its captain would remain onboard during away missions instead of venturing off alone on adventures. Fontana also spoke fondly of multi-breasted Troi being considered during those early meetings.

"I was initially against Troi having three breasts; women have enough difficulty dealing with two at once! Also, how would one line them up vertically or horizontally - something which no longer needs to happen! So my plea to them was: Please, don't do that." And they didn't." Luckily enough!

Addition of an additional breast would require extensive makeup work and would undoubtedly stretch the boundaries of good taste. Three bosoms seem more suitable to "Flesh Gordon" than "Star Trek." Fontana did not specify who suggested Troi have three breasts - fans may speculate as much as they wish (it could have come from anyone, really).

Noteworthy on "Star Trek," there was one character with polymastia: an unnamed cat-like alien in "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier", performing table dances at Nimbus III dive bar had three breasts.

Lycia Naff, who played Sonya Gomez on "NextGen", would later go on to portray a three-breasted sex worker in Paul Verhoeven's 1991 film Total Recall.

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