You're Going To Want To Watch The Trailer For One Of 2024's Strangest Movies


My confession: For much of my teenage years, I identified as something one could only describe as "Sasquatch truther". My interest was inspired by that infamous Zapruder footage showing what some have claimed was Bigfoot walking casually through San Diego in 1967 (in reality it was 100% someone wearing an ape suit), and ever since that encounter I have sought that high. Discovery Channel specials with seemingly reputable people venturing deep into Pacific Northwest forests to set up cameras in areas rumored to host high levels of Bigfoot sightings, knock pieces of wood together in hopes of drawing out this urban legend seemed strangely captivating - like any decade since. They certainly provided plenty of amusing moments throughout that decade! It truly was strange and disorienting times!

All this to say that, this film could well be exactly my cup of tea! After making waves at Sundance with its dialogue-free gimmick and absurd plotline, "Sunset Sasquatch" quickly become my must-watch film for 2019. Starring Jesse Eisenberg, Riley Keough, Christophe Zajac-Denek and Nathan Zellner as its protagonists - which may very well include one or more Bigfoots or "Bigfeet")- this film explores their lives as possible "last Bigfoots (Bigfeet?) of this universe". As much as the movie may appear as an amateurish joke or stunt, its reception has generally been positive, including from critics like Bill Bria at /Film who called it both beautiful and ridiculous at once. He wrote "Sasquatch Sunset' is at once celebratory and melancholic: both celebration and funeral for an animal which neither exists nor ever did makes you reflect."

Now, audiences everywhere can experience what film festival attendees experienced with this first red band trailer - just watch above... but perhaps don't watch while at work!

Sasquatch Sunset looks ridiculously exciting.

As I warned you, let me try not to upset anyone by showing the following footage featuring two Sasquatch fighting each other: we hope that any such footage gives off Swiss Army Man vibes! That could cause many unknowing moviegoers to exit with dissatisfied walkouts; but, for people of discernment who know more than a cursory bit about what they're watching beforehand, such a comparison should make you immensely excited! "Sasquatch Sunset" is directed by David and Nathan Zellner, sibling filmmakers responsible for 2014's "Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter" as well as 2010 short "Sasquatch Birth Journal 2", both available here for viewing. Now they seem poised to perfect their original concept even further and unleash it onto moviegoers across America - that's the power of cinema!

Ari Aster has produced and executive produced "Sasquatch Sunset", so one should set their expectations appropriately. You can check out its official synopsis for yourself below and look forward to its debut at select theaters on April 12, 2024, before its wide release a week later.

At the edge of North American forest lies an absurdist journey undertaken by an eccentric family of Sasquatches -- possibly the last members of their mysterious species -- over one year. From fighting for survival against an ever-shifting environment to making friends in unlikely places along their travels.

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